I adore your books--
In the middle of the night, I hid (it was past my bedtime!) with the extra-large edition of Ella Enchanted, crouched over it on my bathroom floor. I read the entire book that late night, till my knees were cramped and my eyes dropping.
I closed that book with a smile on my face and giddiness in my heart. I memorized the last line.
Since then, I've read Ella Enchanted at least a dozen times (as well as almost all your other novels, I also love Fairest!)--and though I've since lost that particular copy (which I wrote a long note in the cover that "I absolutely positively must read to my kids one day!) it will always hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you for the magic you brought into my life.
Have a good Shabbos!
Kindest regards,
# 2969 -
S. W
12/24/2024 -
00:17 -
City: -
State: Missouri -
Country: USA
I was 12 when I first read Ella Enchanted and it was the first time I realized that girls in books could be strong, courageous, funny and smart. Ella wasn’t sweet or a pushover. It meant the world to me.
Now, many years later I just gave birth to my first daughter and I knew that I wanted her to be strong, courageous, funny and smart. I knew that I wanted her to stand up for herself and for others. I knew her name had to be Ella (Eleanor to grow into).
I just thought you’d want to know that a baby girl was named for your work :) I’ll read it to her when she gets a little older and tell her that’s where her name comes from.
# 2968 -
Amanda Sterner
11/27/2024 -
05:40 -
City: San Francisco -
State: CA -
Country: USA
Dear Gail Carson Levine,
The first book of yours I read was Ella Enchanted.
It was so inspiring. I just needed more! I'm in the 5th grade and read your books a lot. Your books made me want to write and when I read them I feel swept away to a whole new world and I can actually feel what the characters are feeling. Your books really mean a lot to me and I enjoy reading them. Thank you for writing these magical books that make the world a better place.
# 2967 -
Beatrice Gamma
11/23/2024 -
00:16 -
City: Boise -
State: ID -
Country: United States
Hi there!!!
Lifelong fan here. Growing up, The Two Princesses of Bamarre was unquestionably one of my favorite books. It always gave me that feel that I could do anything I set my mind to. It remains a fond favorite and reminds me of my own relationship with my sister, and I treasure that more than anything. My girlfriend and her sister have a dynamic very similar to the two princesses as well, I plan on giving each a copy for Christmas as a reminder that family and a sister’s love is more valuable than ever these days. Would it be possible for me to mail you a few copies of the book to be autographed for them?
Best wishes always,
Ashley S
# 2966 -
Ashley S
11/11/2024 -
19:22 -
City: Rushville -
State: IN -
Country: USA
Hi Ms. Levine,
I first read Ella Enchanted when I was in elementary school, and it's held a special place in my heart ever since. So when my teacher asked us to send interview questions to our favorite fantasy author, you were the first person who came to mind. If you have the time and energy, I would really appreciate it if you could answer some questions.
1. What planning do you do to build your fantasy worlds when beginning to write a new book/series?
2. How long did it take you to write the final version of Ella Enchanted?
3. What was your dream job when you went into college??
4. Where did you get the idea for the premise of Ella Enchanted?
5. Comparing your first published work(Ella Enchanted) to your latest work(Sparrows in the Wind), how do you feel your style has changed over the years?
6. What is your favorite mythical creature/species you’ve ever written?
7. Is there a specific impact that you hope your writing has on readers?
8. Do you think you’ll ever move away from writing fantasy? If so, what genre would you move to?
9. What types of books do you enjoy reading?
10. What advice would you give to aspiring authors and poets?
If you don't have the time, please don't worry! Even your consideration means a lot to me. My love of Ella Enchanted has helped me to follow my own writing interests, and I'm actually in the process of becoming a published poet! My poem will be published in a compilation book titled Gifted, from The America Library of Poetry, it comes out this month and I could not be more thrilled. Thank you for all that you do, and all the inspiration you have spread.
# 2965 -
Audra E Gabrielson
11/11/2024 -
15:25 -
City: Green Bay -
State: Wisconsin -
Country: United States
I adore your books--
In the middle of the night, I hid (it was past my bedtime!) with the extra-large edition of Ella Enchanted, crouched over it on my bathroom floor. I read the entire book that late night, till my knees were cramped and my eyes dropping.
I closed that book with a smile on my face and giddiness in my heart. I memorized the last line.
Since then, I've read Ella Enchanted at least a dozen times (as well as almost all your other novels, I also love Fairest!)--and though I've since lost that particular copy (which I wrote a long note in the cover that "I absolutely positively must read to my kids one day!) it will always hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you for the magic you brought into my life.
Have a good Shabbos!
Kindest regards,
Now, many years later I just gave birth to my first daughter and I knew that I wanted her to be strong, courageous, funny and smart. I knew that I wanted her to stand up for herself and for others. I knew her name had to be Ella (Eleanor to grow into).
I just thought you’d want to know that a baby girl was named for your work :) I’ll read it to her when she gets a little older and tell her that’s where her name comes from.
The first book of yours I read was Ella Enchanted.
It was so inspiring. I just needed more! I'm in the 5th grade and read your books a lot. Your books made me want to write and when I read them I feel swept away to a whole new world and I can actually feel what the characters are feeling. Your books really mean a lot to me and I enjoy reading them. Thank you for writing these magical books that make the world a better place.
Lifelong fan here. Growing up, The Two Princesses of Bamarre was unquestionably one of my favorite books. It always gave me that feel that I could do anything I set my mind to. It remains a fond favorite and reminds me of my own relationship with my sister, and I treasure that more than anything. My girlfriend and her sister have a dynamic very similar to the two princesses as well, I plan on giving each a copy for Christmas as a reminder that family and a sister’s love is more valuable than ever these days. Would it be possible for me to mail you a few copies of the book to be autographed for them?
Best wishes always,
Ashley S
I first read Ella Enchanted when I was in elementary school, and it's held a special place in my heart ever since. So when my teacher asked us to send interview questions to our favorite fantasy author, you were the first person who came to mind. If you have the time and energy, I would really appreciate it if you could answer some questions.
1. What planning do you do to build your fantasy worlds when beginning to write a new book/series?
2. How long did it take you to write the final version of Ella Enchanted?
3. What was your dream job when you went into college??
4. Where did you get the idea for the premise of Ella Enchanted?
5. Comparing your first published work(Ella Enchanted) to your latest work(Sparrows in the Wind), how do you feel your style has changed over the years?
6. What is your favorite mythical creature/species you’ve ever written?
7. Is there a specific impact that you hope your writing has on readers?
8. Do you think you’ll ever move away from writing fantasy? If so, what genre would you move to?
9. What types of books do you enjoy reading?
10. What advice would you give to aspiring authors and poets?
If you don't have the time, please don't worry! Even your consideration means a lot to me. My love of Ella Enchanted has helped me to follow my own writing interests, and I'm actually in the process of becoming a published poet! My poem will be published in a compilation book titled Gifted, from The America Library of Poetry, it comes out this month and I could not be more thrilled. Thank you for all that you do, and all the inspiration you have spread.