Gail - I’m a contemporary of yours who was a student of your mother’s at PS 87. She was my 3rd grade teacher and then my 6th grade teacher. I remember her bringing you to school with her once or at most twice. You’re a clue in yesterday’s NY Times’ crossword puzzle, which led me to decide to look at your website. I knew you’d written several children’s books. I’m delighted to have “found “ you and to have seen your photo. Your smile is so much like your mother’s, in my memory. I just wanted to let you know how much your mother meant to me. Now I’m going to get some of your books!
# 2973 -
Irna Mehlman Gadd
02/15/2025 -
22:23 -
City: New York -
State: NY -
Country: United States
Dear Gail Carson Levine, The night I finished reading Ella Enchanted I stayed up till 12'. It took me out of my bed and into a fairy tale, I loved every part of it. I had recently read a poem called,"I opened a book" by Julia Donaldson; and like the poem I fell in love with it. I loved how smart and courageous Ella is. As a 12 girl, she is everything I want to be. Thank you for opening up a door to wonderous books.
# 2972 -
Jana Horton
02/05/2025 -
15:42 -
City: Humble -
State: TX -
Country: United States
I grew up in Staatsburg near where you live now, and I just wanted to say that in hindsight knowing that I grew up so close to one of my favorite authors was a delightful discovery! Thank you for so many wonderful books, especially Ella. I hope you had a good holiday and wish you a wonderful year ahead. I hope that some day soon I can send you another message as an author too.
I have been a fan of your books since early elementary when I first read Fairest. I would always hear the lyrics to the songs Aza would sing with melodies in my head. My copies of Fairest and Two Princesses of Bamarre are completely worn through from reading them so much.
Now, I am a composer and songwriter, and have taken inspiration from your books for strong heroines in my songs. Recently I completed a song and am in the recording process of a song inspired by Two Princesses of Bamarre. If there ever comes a day where I could work with you for a song, (maybe for the songs in Fairest) my life would be complete.
I have been a fan of your books since early elementary when I first read Fairest. I would always hear the lyrics to the songs Aza would sing with melodies in my head. My copies of Fairest and Two Princesses of Bamarre are completely worn through from reading them so much.
Now, I am a composer and songwriter, and have taken inspiration from your books for strong heroines in my songs. Recently I completed a song and am in the recording process of a song inspired by Two Princesses of Bamarre. If there ever comes a day where I could work with you for a song, (maybe for the songs in Fairest) my life would be complete.
Elizabeth Blakely