Guestbook Script

Guestbook Entries (2954)

Hello Ms. Levine!
I wanted to tell you that your book "Writing Magic" is one of the best books I have ever read. It inspired me to lead a writing group! It was very fun and very successful. Thank you for writing such good books. :-D
# 44 - Alea 10/29/2010 - 23:32 - City: - State: - Country:
Alex--I'm delighted you love my books and that you're writing too. Sorry that I don't have time to help with your story, but it sounds like you're getting pretty good help already.
Rachel--I'll be happy to be interviewed. Please email my publicist, Marisa Russell at
Thanks, Onna!
# 43 - Gail Carson Levine 10/29/2010 - 03:45 - City: - State: - Country:
Hi, Mrs. Levine!

My name is Rachel. I'm a big fan! I was wondering something: I'm apart of a website/magazine written entirely by teens called Teen Ink. Part of Teen Ink is the celebrity interviews section. I was wondering if you would be willing to do an interview for Teen Ink.

Please let me know!

# 42 - Rachel 10/28/2010 - 23:58 - City: - State: - Country:
I love all the books of yours that I have read. I have read your book on how to write better, but that was last year. This year I've been writing a story. I've been asking some of my friends to read what I have so far, even my ELA teacher, and they all say it's great. What they don't know is all I wrote I got from daydreams I've had. It would be a honor if you could help me with my story, since I plan to maybe get it published as I grow older. Thank you for the books!
# 41 - Alex 10/27/2010 - 21:55 - City: - State: - Country:
Ariez--I'm glad you love my books! Sorry, I don't know the names of the models on the EVER book jacket. As far as I know, they're not public people, so, even if you could find them, they might not welcome being searched.
# 40 - Gail Carson Levine 10/25/2010 - 22:26 - City: - State: - Country:

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