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Guestbook Entries (2964)

A word of thanks. I'm teaching my first writing workshop for middle-schoolers and after sifting through many 'how-to' books, I found "Writing Magic." What a joy to see tips delivered in such a fun, entertaining, straight forward manner. I'm recommending your book to everyone I know who loves writing, young and old.
# 39 - Stephen Wolcott 10/25/2010 - 22:24 - City: Topanga - State: CA - Country: USA
I really love your books.Right now I am reading your book Ever.It is very interesting and nice.I am curious about the people on the front cover Ever.I would like to know their names please so I can search them.
Thank you.
Your Number 1 Fan,
# 38 - Ariez 10/24/2010 - 22:42 - City: Indiana - State: Indianapolis - Country:
Dear Mrs(?)Levine,

I absolutely LOVE your books!I think they are witty and fantastic. I love how you put twists on classic Princess tales like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, etc.

Once my friend called you a writing machine. I guess that is a very nice comment in it's own way, but I think your writing is full of emotion, not like robot-written words, which I have never read(I dont think any of us ever did)but must be exciting enough to drown me in snores.

I was always a fantasy lover. But I think I never really considered princess stories "fantasy" ,since they were always so old fashioned and boring. Thanks to you, now everyone can enjoy a good princess tale and not feel like a silly 5 year old.

Adults can enjoy your books. My mom read Ella Enchanted and said it was great.

I cannot WAIT for the Tale of Two Castles. I think you really have a good way of finding loopholes for writing(and that's not a bad thing!)! Its true that in Puss 'N Boots, the cat goes in, cat goes out, ogre dissapears, but I would have never thought of that if it was me. From the sneak peak, the main character seems like a weird character. Not boring or bad, but weird. Guess it's a mystery how she turns out.

# 37 - Amy 10/24/2010 - 12:19 - City: - State: - Country:
Dear Mrs.Levine,
# 36 - Annie 10/23/2010 - 20:09 - City: - State: - Country:
I love ALL your books. I've read all your novels. I've read Ella Enchated at least 5 times, and also seen the movie. The two princesses of Bamarre is my fav. book. You are awesome. B-)I'm really looking forward to the tales of two castles and hopefully several more books to come.
Nicky Nguyen.
P.S You are my favorite author.
# 35 - Nicky Nguyen 10/23/2010 - 18:52 - City: Katy - State: Texas - Country: United States

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