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Guestbook Entries (2974)

Hi Ms.Levine! Could you do a post on your blog about doing NaNoWriMo? I don't know if you've ever done it (you dont have to since you've been published). I'd like some hints and tips about doing it because this is my first year doing it and I read your blog every post!
# 34 - Skye 10/20/2010 - 18:37 - City: - State: - Country:
# 33 - Alexis 10/19/2010 - 23:35 - City: - State: - Country:
I love, love, LOVE your books! :-D :-):-D:-):-D I hop you'll write even more someday!
# 32 - Sammy 10/18/2010 - 13:26 - City: - State: - Country:
Dear Gail Carson Levine,

Your books are an addiction for everyone. I am also a writer, but my chapters are only revealed to my friends. Sadly, they do not give much helpful critism. But Writing Magic gave me lots of ideas, and I made my books better with the book. Ella Enchanted was introduced to me as a book for literature circles in school, and a few boys had to read it. In the proposal/kiss/ball/love parts, they were grossed out. That was very funny.

I read my favorite book written by you in Japan, where I lived for a few years. I was a big fan those years! I love the Two Princesses of Bamarre(maybe mispelled)and the Princess Tales. Awesome! I think its genius to take uncopyrighted fairy tales and give them a twist. Even a tomboy likes a good old romance sometimes! I have read Fairest 14 times, Ella Enchanted 18 times, and The Two Princesses 17 times. I also read Princess Tales in my free times. I am a fast reader, for example, I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in a day! But Harry Potter is not my fave, your books are! My sister named me after Ella in Ella Enchanted, her favorite book. I am proud that I am a namesake of the orginal Enchanted Ella!

Even though I am a small fan in a big world, and I doubt that I will be such a success like you, but everyone can accomplish something big if together. I wish I can be part of a group to do something like you did for us kids. You gave us a safe haven, to read in our hard times,laugh, cry, worry, celebrate. I thank you for giving us our salvation.

From your sincere fan,
# 31 - Ella 10/16/2010 - 13:42 - City: Los Angeles - State: California - Country: USA
Dear Gail Carson Levine ,
You are one of my favorite authors . You
inspired me to write books . Two of my favorite books that you have written are ,
Fairest and Writing Magic .
I was wondering if you could send me your autograph ? It would be a thrill for me if you would send me your autograph .
I look forward to reading your next books !

Brooke Serrano
# 30 - Brooke Serrano 10/14/2010 - 03:07 - City: Coeur D'Alene - State: Idaho - Country: United States

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