Guestbook Script

Guestbook Entries (2948)

Dear Gail Carson Levine,

My girls and I are big fans, actually my husband too. We love your story telling skills. No one can tell a tale like you can. Here is my request. We have the PRINCESS TALES on cassette, and unfortunately we don't have a working cassette player anymore. I have looked at Itunes, Amazon, Audible, everywhere I can think of to find the TALES on cds or as a download. Will you consider re-releasing them? Lili Taylor does a beautiful reading of them, and we miss them terribly.

Thank you for all the hours of entertainment and great discussions we have had through your books. Rachel
# 163 - Rachel 12/17/2010 - 04:55 - City: Pensacola - State: FL - Country: USA

Thank you so much for the comment. I bet you could write that well! Just a side note, I love your name!
# 162 - Elizabeth 12/17/2010 - 01:03 - City: Baltimore - State: Maryland - Country: United States of America
I bet Ella probably was in a depression....for a very long time...

OK, Thanks!!

P.S. I'm in a writer's block...and I can't seem to get out of it. I keep on writing about one thing, and my story has no voice. Any suggestions?
# 161 - Claire Again 12/16/2010 - 20:46 - City: Dallas - State: Texas - Country: USA
Beth Heffernan--I'm not an illustrator at all.

Claire--Look at what I say about ELLA ENCHANTED right here on the website. I think you should answer your second question yourself. What do you think?
# 160 - Gail Carson Levine 12/16/2010 - 13:18 - City: - State: - Country:

YOU PROLOGUE WAS GREAT! I love the details you put in it; it made it enchanting! I can't write THAT good, and I'm in 7th grade!

Ms. Levine,

I'm doing a book report at school on,"Ella Enchanted." What inspired you to write a book based on Cinderella, and how do you think Ella would feel if her gift,(obedience), didn't get lifted?
# 159 - Claire 12/16/2010 - 02:36 - City: Dallas - State: Texas - Country: USA

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