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Guestbook Entries (2948)

Dear Gail Carson Levine... I am doing a project/biography and I need to know if you're a good illustrator as well as an author... thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!
# 158 - Beth Heffernan 12/16/2010 - 01:29 - City: - State: - Country:
;-) Your welcome, Blake! And thank you for the comment!
# 157 - Elizabeth 12/15/2010 - 23:35 - City: Baltimore - State: Maryland - Country: United States of America
Elizabeth--I'm so glad you're writing stories. Sorry that I don't have time to comment on your prologue, but I hope you keep going with the story.
# 156 - Gail Carson Levine 12/15/2010 - 02:55 - City: - State: - Country:

I was just going to say that I love CINDERELLIS AND THE GLASS HILL. I had to read it last year in school (third gade). It was so good that I remember it as vividly as feild day! And I remember EVERYTHING about that. I have loved writing all my life but when I read WRITING MAGIC, I have been writing stories almost every day since.
Oh yeah, as I was looking at your guest book, I saw Elizabeth's prolouge. Elizabeth, I'm nine too and I think that your prolouge is better than most published books! I glad that now I now I'm not the only kid who likes writing as much as I do.

Thanks for showing me your prolouge Elizabeth, and thank you for writing for kids like me Mrs. Levine.

# 155 - Blake 12/14/2010 - 22:49 - City: Shelton - State: Connecticut - Country: USA
:-) Dear Mrs. Levine,
I absolutely LOVE your books. I want to be an author when I grow up, too. 'Writing Magic' really inspired me. (Just so you know, I am almost 10 years old.

Could you read this prologue and tell me how good it is from a scale from 1 to 10? Thanks!

The night was enchanting. Not one soul in Ceistare Prison uttered a sound. They were under a spell, soothed by images in the serene night. The stars painted pictures in their minds, and deprived them of the sadness from departing their families. The moon cradled the weary, swept the tears off innocent faces. Not even the wind was blowing, it had ceased. Only the moon and stars remained, and beyond them the darkness of twilight. On that night, a powerful had neared. Cecelious Oveca-Nor crossed his boots in over the entrance into Ceistare. His steps were heard through the night, a thunderous beat that would've hushed a steam engine. He had entered Ceistare in hope of meeting the king. He had a matter that needed to be discussed. His daughter, Annina Klastoria- De-Elvancha would be the next princess to feel the golden crown rest upon er yellow locks.
# 154 - Elizabeth 12/14/2010 - 20:45 - City: Baltimore - State: Maryland - Country: United States of America

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